Hi, I'm an illustrator, comic and gigposter artist
based in Vienna, Austria.
From my blog
DR. KNACKER art show on March 7, 2025 @Pulverturm, Feldkirch
I’m happy to announce that I teamed up with my fellow poster artist Dr. Knoche to exhibit our gig posters (and more stuff) in my hometown of Feldkirch. Thanks to OKFK for hosting our art show at Pulverturm – what … Continued
Original art for sale
Yay! Our Kickstarter campaign is 35% funded. There’s still quite a bit left but I’m staying optimistic. I just added some affordable original drawings as a new reward level. They’re all about printing and drawing or they’re Vienna-themed. And yes, … Continued
Vienna International Gig Poster Show Kickstarter campaign is live!
Originally we wanted to have our Vienna International Gig Poster Show back in spring 2020. We invited all artists, rented a location and we even designed and printed flyers and posters. But due to known reasons we had to cancel … Continued