Häcksler #2 available for pre-order

Finally I put together the second issue of my self-published comic series called Häcksler (German for shredder and one of my nicknames)! 32 pages full of wordless short stories about clumsy executioners, curious little doggies, rebellious brains and other fascinating stuff. Inspired by true events (in my head).

If you want to help me cover the printing costs you can pre-order Häcksler #2 now.

Every pre-order before August 20th will get a numbered & signed print for free.
Häcksler #2 will be shipped in late August/early September.


Häcksler 2 comic cover

Here’s a little preview of what awaits you in Häcksler #2…

Hank the clumsy executioner comic

Doggystyle comic by Michael Hacker  Brain Escape comic